Aries Group Initiates E-Education At Its Best During COVID-19

Aries Group Initiates E-Education At Its Best During COVID-19

The entire world is struggling under the clutches of the widespread pandemic, COVID-19. Since the usual routine of daily activities has come to a standstill, forcing us to reform our work culture, which includes the education field. During this scenario, students had to take lessons from home online. Taking account of the necessity of meeting quality e-learning, Aries Group has come forward with ‘EDUCATIONAL 3D THEATRE’. The Educational 3D Theatre equipped with technologically advanced aims to bridge the gap between being physically present in a class and taking e-lessons. It is a scientifically proven fact that students concentrate and imbibe educational concepts more readily when taught using visual concepts, especially in 3D. EDUCATIONAL 3D THEATRE is equipped with advanced features to facilitate seminars, video presentations, conferences, online classes, 3D i-education, animatic content, and many more. This innovative educational Theatre can aid schools, professional colleges & universities to keep pace with the growing needs of our education sector. Besides the increasing educational needs, entertainment too has been confined within the four walls of our abode. Aries group also revolutionary theatre technology for domestic consumers and enables you to experience the ambiance of a private theatre starting within the boundaries of your home. Everything from learning to staying entertained is essential during this lockdown period, and Aries Group has come up with the best means to utilize this time to the fullest.
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The entire world is struggling under the clutches of the widespread pandemic, COVID-19. Since the usual routine of daily activities has come to a standstill, forcing us to reform our work culture, which includes the education field. During this scenario, students had to take lessons from home online. Taking account of the necessity of meeting quality e-learning, Aries Group has come forward with ‘EDUCATIONAL 3D THEATRE’. The Educational 3D Theatre equipped with technologically advanced aims to bridge the gap between being physically present in a class and taking e-lessons. It is a scientifically proven fact that students concentrate and imbibe educational concepts more readily when taught using visual concepts, especially in 3D. EDUCATIONAL 3D THEATRE is equipped with advanced features to facilitate seminars, video presentations, conferences, online classes, 3D i-education, animatic content, and many more.

This innovative educational Theatre can aid schools, professional colleges & universities to keep pace with the growing needs of our education sector. Besides the increasing educational needs, entertainment too has been confined within the four walls of our abode. Aries group also revolutionary theatre technology for domestic consumers and enables you to experience the ambiance of a private theatre starting within the boundaries of your home. Everything from learning to staying entertained is essential during this lockdown period, and Aries Group has come up with the best means to utilize this time to the fullest.

COVID-19 A Wake-up Call For Government Need To Focus On Tax Benefits For Common Man Says Solar expert!

COVID-19 A Wake-up Call For Government  Need To Focus On Tax Benefits For Common Man Says Solar expert!

The Indian wing of US-based solar solutions provider Suntuity Group, Suntuity Renewable Energy India (REI), has said the Coronavirus pandemic is a wake-up call for the Government of India and it should focus more on giving tax benefits to people than subsidies. “If you really want to try to incentivise people to go solar than you have to incentivise them by giving tax benefits,” said Imaan Javan, Director of operations at Suntuity REI.

Javan further said when people see tax benefits in something, they tend to move towards that direction to save up on taxes. “Solar used to have subsidies across the board but now subsidies are only limited to residential projects. And these projects are not that large in numbers. I am not saying to give them subsidies, but you can give them some tax breaks or something similar,” she said, adding, “Like in the USA they have 26{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1} flat ITC (investment tax credit) across the entire country (which was 30{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1} for a long time earlier) no matter which state you are in and they have different benefits for the state and benefits from the states. Over here we don’t see it like that.”

The Government of India aims to reach a renewable energy capacity of 175 GW by 2022 and then 500 GW after that. “In order to be able to achieve that, the government needs to determine how they would help people. Tax benefits would be beneficial for the common man as well as the industry,” Javan said.

Irrfan Khan Passes Away In Mumbai

Irrfan Khan Passes Away In Mumbai

Great Actor & Great human. One of the most exceptional actors of all time. May his work always be remembered & his soul rest in peace.

A man with a Golden Heart n abundant talent.

You will be marked as an institution in the Art of Acting, in transforming theatre style of ACTING to improvisational acting on the Indian screen.

International Business School of Washington And Kidspreneur Brings A Great Opportunity With Online Course MBA – Young CEO For kids And Teens

International Business School of Washington And Kidspreneur Brings A Great Opportunity With Online Course MBA – Young CEO For kids And Teens

The coronavirus pandemic has led almost every schools closed in the World, many for the rest of the academic year, in a major disruption to the public education system. The closures have impacted nearly  billions of public school students worldwide.  And now that kids can’t attend class in person, many parents are seeking out online resources, apps and games to keep their kids’ minds engaged at home.

Here are International Business School of Washington in association with Kidspreneur brings a great opportunity for kids and Teens to complete there MBA online in Young CEO. This summer IBSW & Kidspreneur brings a great opportunity for kids and Teens MBA – Young CEO. IBSW offering this course Online the Batch will stary from 3rd May 2020.

IBSW-Kidspreneur MBA is the first ever Entrepreneurship development center for kids aged 7 to 18 years in Asia.

MBA (My Business Adventure) our flagship program, teaches children the basics of entrepreneurship skills and manner. This is a project based learning program that gives children the opportunity to learn first-hand how to start and operate their own business and also learn 21st century skills.


MBA Course has been developed since 5 years and it is authorized by Singapore Ministry of Education. The course will segmented like developing business idea, finance, marketing, design, making a prototype and how to sell the product. Earn your MBA certificate from


Entrepreneurship isn’t just about starting companies; it is a skillset and a way of thinking. We’re passionate about empowering kids, to innovate, create, and discover their potential. That’s why we have created innovative and fun entrepreneurship curriculum, training, and programs – the perfect vehicles to help students, develop a mindset and ‘heartset’ that they can use for a lifetime, no matter what they choose to become. Together, let’s develop resilient, confident kids equipped for the challenges of today and tomorrow.


Our programs prepare children for brighter futures through entrepreneurship education.

Course date: May 3-30th

+91 8220606367

Actress Divyajyotee Sharma Is Helping The Poor In Mumbai

Actress Divyajyotee Sharma Is Helping The Poor In Mumbai

अभिनेत्री दिव्यज्योति शर्मा कर रही हैं मुंबई में गरीबों की मदद

करोना महामारी और लॉक डॉउन के काल में लोगों को बेहतरीन मैसेज भी दिया।

करोना काल में कई लोग गरीबों की मदद करने के लिए आगे आए हैं। लॉक डॉउन की इस घड़ी में जरूरतमंदो और गरीबों के सामने राशन और खाने पीने की समस्या पैदा हो गई है और कई फिल्मी हस्तियां भी इनकी हेल्प के लिए सामने आई हैं।

दिव्यज्योति शर्मा भी एक ऐसी ही एक्ट्रेस हैं जो मुंबई में गरीबों की मदद कर रही हैं।अपने स्टाफ़ को भी बहुत ख्याल रखती है सभी स्टाफ़ का सैलरी से लेकर खाने पीने का कोई दिक्कत न हो वो हर कदम पर ध्यान रखती है कुछ जानवरो के लिए भी चारा देने का कदम उठाई है , दिव्या ज्योति शर्मा को सल्यूट है इस कोरोना महामारी जैसी संकट से लड़ने के लिए गरीबों के साथ खड़ी है।दिव्या का कहना है कि कोई भूखा न रह जाये , मैं ईसको ध्यान में रख कर समाज का सेवा कर रही हूँ आगे भी करती रहूंगी। स्कूल और कॉलेज फंक्शन्स में कई नाटकों में काम कर चुकी दिव्य ज्योति शर्मा ने दिल्ली में कमर्शियली अपना काम शुरू किया। वह दिल्ली से सम्बन्ध रखती हैं और पिछले दो दशक से मुंबई में हैं। गरीबों और जरूरतमंदो को खाना वितरण हो या फिर उन्हें राशन देने की बात हो, दिव्य ज्योति शर्मा ऐसे नेक काम में बढ़चढ़ कर हिस्सा ले रही हैं। एक्टिंग के प्रति एक जुनून रखनेवाली और बचपन से ही कैमरा फ्रेंडली रहीं दिव्यज्योति बहुत क्रिएटिव, ड्रामेटिक, ट्रैवलर और सपने देखने वाली लड़की रही हैं। वह हिंदी, अंग्रेजी और पंजाबी भाषाएं जानती हैं। किशोर नमित एक्टिंग इंस्टीट्यूट से उन्होंने अभिनय की बाकायदा ट्रेनिंग हासिल की है। ग्रेजुएट की डिग्री रखने वाली दिव्यज्योति ने ड्रामों से अपनी शुरुआत की। वर्षों तक थियेटर का अनुभव उन्होंने हासिल किया। सलमान ख़ान के साथ बिग बॉस 12 के प्रोमो सहित उन्होंने कई विज्ञापन में काम किया जिनमें बस्किन ऐंड रॉबिंस, दांडी नमक, ऑनीडा ए सी, सोनी टीवी शो मन में है विश्वास प्रोमो, आशीर्वाद पाइप्स, ब्रिटानिया सुगर फ्री एड, चिंग्स मसाला, डीबी एस बैंक, सलमान खान के साथ भी बिग बॉस 12 प्रमोशन की है , एवं सेंटर फ्रेश इत्यादि उललेखनीय है। उन्होंने कई म्यूज़िक वीडियो भी किए हैं। आशा भोंसले द्वारा गाए रसना उत्सव म्यूज़िक वीडियो को तमाम म्यूज़िक चैनल पर चलाया गया। उन्होंने कई फिल्मों में भी काम किया है जैसे रितेश देशमुख के साथ बैंक चोर, शबाना आजमी जूही चावला के साथ चाक ऐंड डस्टर, सन शाइन म्यूज़िक टूर्स ऐंड ट्रेवल्स, शौर्य, दे ताली, मुंबई से आया मेरा दोस्त, क्राइम स्टोरीज, माई हसबंड्स वाइफ़, हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़, मेरी मर्जी इत्यादि।


उन्होंने स्टार प्लस के शो दिल बोले ओबेरॉय, एक हजारों में मेरी बहना है, मान ना मान मै तेरा मेहमान, राजा की आएगी बारात, केसर, लेफ्ट राइट लेफ़्ट, क्या दिल में है, संतान, धूम मचाओ धूम, अपने मेरे अपने, देस परदेस, हम पांच, सी आई डी, कहानी घर घर की, कोई दिल में है, कहता है दिल, शरारत, क्योंकि सास भी कभी बहू थी, गुमराह, ससुराल गेंदा फूल, सावधान इंडिया, ये है आशिकी जैसे कई टीवी धारवाहिकों में काम किया है। उन्होंने व्हिस्लिंग विंडोज़ के लिए एक शॉर्ट फिल्म वाया कारगिल और दूरदर्शन के लिए ऐसा हो तो कैसा हो जैसी शॉर्ट फिल्मे भी की है। वह वेब सीरीज के इस दौर को बेहद पसंद कर रही हैं और डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म पे अभिनय करना चाहती हैं।कलर्स चैनल पर बालाजी का सीरियल पवित्र भाग्य में काम कर रही है।

दिव्य ज्योति शर्मा  अपनी सामाजिक और मानवीय ज़िम्मेदारी निभाते हुए गरीबों की सहायता मेे जुटी है। वह कहती हैं “करोना जैसी महामारी से आज पूरा देश ही नहीं पूरी दुनिया लड़ रही है। हमें अपने घरों में ही रहना है, सामाजिक दूरी बना कर रखनी है, मास्क का प्रयोग करना है और अपने आस पास के गरीब लोगो की लगातार मदद करनी है।”

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