IAWA Remarkable Journey Of 5 Years Many More To Come

IAWA Remarkable Journey Of 5 Years  Many More To Come

IAWA ngo  (Innovative Artist Welfare Association) started in the year 2015 with motive to work for the welfare of Artist. Founder president Dr Daljeet Kaur an actress and social activist. Where in from last 5 years it had moved on national platform creating awareness on cancer the deadly disease,  women empowerment, education save girl child, fighting against Domestic violence by the medium of glamour and fashion.

On 28th December IAWA NGO completed 5 years and launched its calender to thank all the associate partners who made it  complete 5 successful years. IAWA ngo works for old age home, orphanage homes, kids suffering from Aids and cancer. Iawa conducts activities pan India to raise funds for funding education to street children.

Mrs india is conducted to boost morals of females from small cities and educate them to create awareness about their causes in the respective cities the contestant participated as EK AWAAZ EK SAATH STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE..

Mr and Miss India is conducted to create awareness about cancer   save girl child and stop Rape.


Popular queen of universe  conducted where in the contestants are  already social worker together they create awareness about Global Warming and save environment.IAWA celebrates  festivals with old age grandparents, street children and special children .On 26th jan they conduct Ek shaam Desh ke Naam to felicitate Defence people .Saraswati bai dada saheb phalke  award  conducted keeping in mind women empowerment where in senior female actress and female technicians from the industry are  Awarded. Nari shakti Samaan to felicitate ladies who have achieved something great and worked to improve the society.

Next year coming up with IAWA international.film festivals.

The founder president Daljeet Kaur us an actress and created a huge team Pan India of 10000 people with their organisation.

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