HYENA Released By Hyder Gola Of Aries Films – Films Review 

HYENA Released By Hyder Gola Of Aries Films –  Films Review 

N.K.G. Productions’ HYENA (Hindi) is a rape and revenge story of a sexy model Nehaa (Priyanka Vishu) who lands up in a posh locality which also has a swimming pool. The film is a showcase of promoting Priyanka Vishu in a big way and it succeeds. The film’s plot is reminiscent of too many old films with the same theme and has been handled very well by director Sumit  Roy King. Most of the actors are from Telugu screen and the film’s Telugu version is expected to do very well. Performancewise, Priyanka Vishu tops and she reminds of Ramya Krishna in almost every frame and she acts very well too. Her bikini scenes and the swimming pool scenes are lengthy while her bathing scenes have been filmed to titillate the masses. The drama sould have been much better. The music is ordinary. The climax is as usual with Priyanka killing the four vilains in a dreadful manner. The villain who is killed with the lamp post, shoved from behind is the best killing scene of the film. Production and technical values are good. Camerawork( Veena C. Anand) is very good.  Editing is good.

On the whole , a film for the masses to be enjoyed and will fetch some shares from the B and C centres. Opened on 20th January in over 50 cinemas of Mumbai territory with Alankar,Mumbai being the main theatre with four shows daily.


The film’s first look was held on 5th October at Aishwarya Hall, Oshiwara, Mumbai which was attended by leading media personnells, distributers and marketing consultants who appreciated it. The film ( whose revised version was passed by censors in Mumbai with A certificate ) is being produced by Naresh Gupta (who has produced four Telugu films already and all have been released) and is written and directed by Sumit Roy King. Priyanka Vishu , a leading model who has acted in few South films is introduced in the female lead in this film.  DoP: Veena C.Anand. Editor: P. Srinivas.


No BIG Hoardings..No BIG Events…NO PRODUCER XTRA XPENSES..No BOGUS SHOWOFF..No theatre Rents..Yet Release in MUMBAI CIRCUIT with Good Response…Aries Films Hyder Gola release

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